Weather Closures Delays & Dismissal
If the district calls a 90-minute delay, school starts at 10:05 am (with doors opening for soft start at 9:55); morning preschool is canceled, and BASE will open at 8 am. Information regarding delays and closures can be found on the DCSD website, DCSD Facebook and Twitter accounts, the DCSD mobile app, and on local media outlets.
Also, please keep in mind that when students are at school, they do go outside for recess as long as playground conditions are safe and the temperature is 20 degrees or above. With Colorado’s crazy weather, please help ensure that your student comes to school prepared for whatever the day may bring.
Inclement Weather Dismissal
In the event of incoming severe/dangerous weather, we want to make you aware of Heritage’s updated Dangerous Weather/Lighting Dismissal plan. When there is dangerous weather in the area, we may need to initiate a “Dangerous Weather/Lighting Dismissal”. (“Dangerous Weather/Lightning Dismissal” means that for the safety of students, we will hold students inside to exit the building until the storm has passed. Heritage follows DCSD guidelines that state if lightning is within a 8-mile radius from our building at dismissal, we are to hold students in their classrooms until the lightning has passed.)
Of course, we will do our best to communicate and send out timely information. However, please note that sometimes information can be delayed because several schools in the Highlands Ranch area are also initiating Dangerous Weather/Lightning Dismissal and this can cause our automated messages to be delayed. For more information about Emergency Messaging see the information below.
What Does It Look Like for Students?
Students will remain in their classrooms, under the supervision of their teachers. Students have the freedom to read, do artwork, watch a video, listen to music, etc.
How Will I Know If It Is Time to Pick Up My Child?
When the dangerous weather has passed, an email and text message will be sent to you and students will be released. However, due to the high volume, communication might be delayed. If you notice the storm has passed, please come to the school to see if we are releasing students. If your student typically walks home, they will be released to walk as soon as the danger has passed. As a reminder, once severe weather has passed, please make sure to pick up your child in a timely manner.
Please continue to read below on how to subscribe to DCSD’s Emergency Messaging.
Emergency messaging – did you get yours?
We want to ensure DCSD parents receive emergency alerts most important to them.
What if I didn’t receive the alerts I want?
Log in to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal ( and click on “More” in the left-hand column. Navigate to “Family Information” and review your contact information. If you see an incorrect phone number or email, please update it in Infinite Campus, or contact the registrar at your child’s school to request an update.
I received everything except a text message. How can I fix this?
You must select to receive text messages from our system. Confirm that you have selected to receive text messaging (SMS) for emergency and/or school notifications through Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
If you previously opted out and would like to opt-in, text “YES” to 68453.
What phone number will my caller ID show when I get calls?
When you receive communication from the DCSD SchoolMessenger system, the number displayed will depend on the type of message. The two types of communication include:
Emergency Notifications (critical communications)
855-695-9448 (you may wish to add this number to your contacts)
Standard Notifications (lunch balance, event reminders, general communication)
877-279-4061 (you may wish to add this number to your contacts)
How will you contact me?
If there is an emergency at your child’s school (Lockout, Lockdown, Evacuation, Shelter, etc.) we will send information to all contacts in our system via phone, text, and email.