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Meet the Principal

Katie Lawson, Principal

My educational experience spans from being a second-grade teacher, third-grade teacher, a second/third grades combo teacher of high achieving and gifted students, a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)/Intervention Strategist, a Gifted/Talented coordinator, a Student Assessment Coordinator, a new teacher mentor, and an assistant principal. I have worked with several center-based special education programs and have dealt with a wide variety of behavioral challenges. 

I live in Highlands Ranch with my husband, Adam, and our two daughters, Maggie and Emmi. We love our Highlands Ranch community! My husband is a computer engineer and my very best friend. We are coming up on our 20th wedding anniversary! Maggie is currently a ninth-grader at Highlands Ranch High School and Emmi is an eighth-grader at Cresthill Middle School. They are both so excited to be in the same school again next year at HRHS! In my family’s free time we love to visit National Parks, play music together, do paint by numbers, go jeeping in the mountains (Adam likes to and we humor him!), play games (I like to and they humor me!), and watch Marvel movies. 

I believe in joyful learning. This starts with our teachers. If we support and encourage their joy, that trickles down to our students. I believe school should be a place where both students and staff feel safe, heard and valued. Relationships are the best part of the job and I love the connections I make with staff, students and families! You will often find me walking the halls of the building, checking in with students and staff, joining a classroom circle, facilitating restorative conversations, covering recess and lunch duty, and just being visible. 

I am humbled by this opportunity and will dedicate myself to Heritage Elementary’s staff, students and community. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or thoughts you may have. I am always happy to listen!